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yoga center

Kuyobi has a service area in Aguascalientes and Zacatecas mainly

Trabajando en un proyecto

For us it is important to know some details about your person and state of health.

The data will be used confidentially.

El tiempo

If we take care of you, we all take care of ourselves.

Please book your class and service so that we can have an adequate quota for sanitary measures.

It can be on FB: Yoga Kundalini Zacatecas

or by message at 492.267.33.50

Kundalini Yoga Adultos


Helps improve the flexibility of the spine. Strengthens the immune system. Strengthens the nervous system. Improve memory thanks to meditation exercises.



With the sound and vibration therapy of the Gong you can work on abundance, creativity, sadness, etc., or on the circulatory, nervous, and digestive systems, etc.

Gong's bath will be scheduled with at least three people.

Niños meditando

yoga for boys and girls

Through the game we will work on their conscience, their values, their mind-body relationship.

They will learn tools to confront their emotions, sowing their emotional intelligence.

Se observa a un mujer y a dos niñas haciendo yoga


This package is thinking of you,

four Kundalini Yoga classes plus four classes for girls or boys from 7 to 11 years old.

"Be the lighthouse"

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of consciousness

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